General Information
Publicity Material

On this page:
General information
: a summary of the ViSiCAST project, its aims and activities, and a list of contacts for further information.
Publicity Material: a selection of posters and other graphics resources and some non-technical descriptions of particular features of UEA's Visicast work

Publications: papers and presentations that have been written about various aspects of Visicast research.
Chronicle/Media: a scrapbook of press reports, videos and significant events from the ViSiCAST project.

General Information

Read a Summary of the ViSiCAST project.

(There is also a mailing list for the use of UEA ViSiCAST members here)

General information about ViSiCAST at UEA Dr John Glauert
Weather Forecast on the Web Dr John Glauert .
TESSA Dr Stephen Cox .
School of Information Systems, UEA Alexandra Delaney
University of East Anglia Annie Ogden, Press and PR Manager
The Avatar - Televirtual Mark Wells
The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) Dr Mary Henley
The ViSiCAST Project ITC (Michele Wakefield)

ViSiCAST Publicity Materials

Materials include:
A summary of the ViSiCAST project.
Posters, handouts and graphics to do with UEA's ViSiCAST work.


Papers and Presentations about various aspects of ViSiCAST research at UEA.
A Presentation which relates to a particular Paper is shown on the same line.

General Publications
"Virtual Signing: Capture, Animation, Storage and Transmission - An Overview of the ViSiCAST Project"
J.A. Bangham, S.J. Cox, R. Elliott, J.R.W. Glauert, I. Marshall (UEA), S. Rankov, M. Wells (Televirtual)
IEE Seminar on "Speech and language processing for disabled and elderly people"
London, April 2000.
"An Overview of ViSiCAST", pdf and ppt
J.A. Bangham, S.J. Cox, R. Elliott, J.R.W. Glauert, I. Marshall (UEA), S. Rankov, M. Wells (Televirtual)
IEE Seminar on "Speech and language processing for disabled and elderly people"
London, April 2000.
"Signing for the Deaf using Virtual Humans"
J.A. Bangham, S.J. Cox, M. Lincoln, I. Marshall (UEA), M. Tutt, M. Wells (Televirtual)
IEE Seminar on "Speech and language processing for disabled and elderly people"
London, April 2000.
"Signing for the Deaf using Virtual Humans", pdf and ppt
J.A. Bangham, S.J. Cox, M. Lincoln, I. Marshall (UEA), M. Tutt, M. Wells (Televirtual)
IEE Seminar on "Speech and language processing for disabled and elderly people"
London, April, 2000.
  "ViSiCAST: Capture, Animation, Storage & Transmission", pdf and ppt
J. Low (RNID)
British Deaf Association Conference, Belfast, August 2000.
Publications about particular aspects of ViSiCAST
  "Deaf Signing for Television using Virtual Humans"
N. Lodge (ITC), M. Wells, F. Pezeshkpour (Televirtual)
Presentation to UK Terrestrial Digital Network group, September 2000.
"A Signing Avatar on the WWW"
M. Verlinden, C. Tijsseling, H. Frowein (IvD)
International Gesture Workshop 2001, City University, London, April 2001.
"The Development of Language Processing Support for the ViSiCAST Project"
R. Elliott, J.R.W. Glauert, J.R. Kennaway, I. Marshall (UEA)
4th International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies (ASSETS 2000)
Washington, November 2000.
"The Development of Language Processing Support for the ViSiCAST Project", pdf and ppt
R. Elliott, J.R.W. Glauert, J.R. Kennaway, I. Marshall (UEA)
4th International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies (ASSETS 2000)
Washington, November 2000.
"Synthetic Animation of Deaf Signing Gestures"
Richard Kennaway (UEA)
International Gesture Workshop 2001, City University, London, April 2001.
"Synthetic Animation of Deaf Signing", pdf and ppt
Richard Kennaway (UEA)
International Gesture Workshop 2001, City University, London, April 2001.
"The Architecture of an English-Text-to-Sign-Languages Translation System."
E. Safar and I. Marshall
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP)
G. Angelova et al (ed), Tzigov Chark Bulgaria, Sept 2001, pp223-228, ISBN 954-90906-1-2.
"Extraction of Semantic Representations from Syntactic CMU Link Grammar linkages."
I. Marshall and E. Safar
Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP)
G. Angelova et al (ed), Tzigov Chark Bulgaria, Sept 2001, pp154-159, ISBN 954-90906-1-2.
TESSA, a system to aid communication with deaf people
S.J. Cox, M. Lincoln, J. Tryggvason, M. Nakisa, M. Wells, M. Tutt and S. Abbott
Proc. ASSETS 2002, Fifth International ACM SIGCAPH Conference on Assistive Technologies, pages 205--212, July, 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland
The Development and Evaluation of a Speech to Sign Translation System to Assist Transactions
S J Cox, M Lincoln, M J Nakisa, M. Wells, M. Tutt and S. Abbot.
Int. Journal of Human Computer Interaction (accepted for publication in 2003/2004)

"Experience with, and Requirements for, a Gesture Description Language for Synthetic Animation"
Richard Kennaway.
5th International Workshop on Gesture and Sign Language based Humman-Computer Interaction, Genova, April 2003

Publications from ViSiCAST partners
"ViSiCAST: Virtual Signing, Capture, Animation, Storage and Transmission - Übersetzung in und Generierung von virtueller Gebärdensprache im Fernsehen und Internet"
R. Schulmeister (IDGS, Hamburg)
FIfF-Kommunikation 2/2000: "Informationstechnik und Behinderung", 2000.
"A Robust Model-Based Approach for 3D Head Tracking in Video Sequences"
M. Malciu, Françoise Prêteux
4th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG'2000)
"Tracking facial features in video sequences using a deformable model-based approach"
M. Malciu, Françoise Prêteux (INT)
SPIE, San Diego


Over the course of the ViSiCAST project, UEA's work has received accolades and widespread coverage in the media. Here is a selection:
Media Articles
TESSA wins British Computer Society Award TESSA on show in the Science Museum:
Posters and Press Release
Der Spiegel: Article on Weather Forecast System TESSA: Sign of the Postal Times (Article in Wired eMagazine)
TESSA Script from British Satellite News      

Video clips

Videos showing aspects of the ViSiCAST Project
Motion Capture Equipment
(8.45MB .avi file)
Building an Avatar
(11.2MB (.avi file)

TESSA in the Science Museum
(14.9MB .avi file)
WDR: Computer Club
(157MB .mov file, in German)


Maintained byJudy Tryggvason (